Monday 11 April 2016

Photos: Woman Gives Birth In Open Field After Hospital Refused To Admit Her

According to eyewitness who posted the pictures on Facebook , a hospital in Gabon denied a woman access to deliver her child because she could not pay an advance bill of 3,500 naira. The woman successfully gave birth in an open firend in the hospital.

Read what the eyewitness Alain said (as translated to English by Facebook):
On Thursday, 7 April 2016 to 21 Trios, incredible but true, this young lady of gabon aged 40 gave birth to a child in the open air on the grass under the eyes of the wise women of the regional hospital Of mellen. The refusal of the young lady to pay a sum of 10.000 CFA Francs to the latter. Even that the latter had his map of the cnamgs. To say that the medical staff is under Hippocratic Oath. In the light of the facts, these pregnant women are sometimes conditioned to pay for having a baby and see their gender torn.
More photos:
Note: NGLatest has not posted the graphic pictures from the scene for the best interest of our viewers.

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