Florence and two other traffickers from an international prostitution ring forced their 23-year-old victim to fly into Heathrow with a fake passport in September 2011. Before leaving Nigeria the victim was raped and subjected to a ‘juju’ death ritual where gang members told her if she did not pay them £40,000 she would die.
She was promised a job in the UK so she could repay the debt, but when she arrived she was kept at Obadiaru’s house, sexually assaulted and told she was destined to work as a sex slave in Italy.
The lid was blown open when Italian authorities spotted the victim's forged ID and sent her back to the UK. Obadiaru was jailed for 2 years in July 2014. She has now been struck-off the nursing register after a Nursing and Midwifery Council disciplinary hearing.
Chairman of the panel Robert Barnwell said: "You have been convicted of conspiracy to commit a deplorable and horrific crime and your conviction goes to the very core of the principles involved in nursing care.
You are a mental health nurse who treats vulnerable individuals, however you failed to help a vulnerable woman who desperately
required rescuing."
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