Tuesday 3 January 2017

I don't support that Biafran nonsense, Wike tells Sultan of Sokoto

Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State was speaking while being received at the palace of the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Saad Abubakar on New Year's Day 2017.

According to Wike,
"Let me first of all sincerely thank you, our father the Sultan, for what you are doing for this country, working tirelessly to ring peace and to bring unity to the people. So, for all of us, this is what is meant by one Nigeria.

"We cannot run away from this country. The unity of this country is very, very paramount. The unity of this country is non-negotiable. I am from the Niger Delta, from Rivers State to be specific. So, I cannot see us in a divided country. No way. We stand for the unity of this country.

"In Rivers, you hardly find pipeline vandalisation. We are working at all times to protect national assets in our state. In my state, I am governor for all the people living in the state. I am not a governor of a particular political party, but a governor for all the people of Rivers State."

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