Wednesday 20 January 2016

Why The N50 Charge By Fg Is Corruption In Itself

Early this morning, I read a directive by the Central Bank of Nigeria to all Banks in the country where it ordered all banks in Nigeria to start charging N50 on all transactions that are above N1,000 from ALL Nigerians.

Now, as many of us may now know this until the banks start charging it and they give you tons of excuses for it.
Here are three facts why THIS charge is a FRAUD in totality!

1. This charge is to be under a particular stamp duty which is illegal in banking transactions! At least, I know stamp duties are charged under postal orders and not on some bank transactions.

2. The account number the money is to be remitted into (CBN NIPOST Stamp Duty Collection Account No 3000047517) is not the popular TSA account number which was created as the ONLY Government transaction’s correspondence! What this means is that the Federal Government is as corrupt as anything you can imagine, using this scheme to deprive the middle class off their hard earned money!

3. This scheme of generating funds was not listed as one of the means to be used to generate funds this year in the 2016 budget! I have read the 1800 page document page to page in details that I can almost tell where a particular item is placed. You all can take the pain to read it too. This government never listed this means as a non-oil revenue making means.

What this scheme is scheduled to do is to suffer the middle class and the lower class in Nigeria to feed some greedy, corrupt and selfish upper class. Why hasn’t the FG set up a tax on luxury items which the upper class in our strata is entitled to?

There are so many questions begging for answers that, some of which many among us will avoid answering them. I’ll leave you with this: Do not ever think you’ll benefit from the N5,000 to be given to the unemployed people because it is strictly a Northern affair! That is where we have the poorest of the poor!


Israel Oladipupo Ogunseye tweets via @LadiSpeaks

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