Thursday 17 December 2015

FG Should Pay Us Our 5K Now Not When We Are In The Grave - Unemployed Youths

The economic downward spiral in the country has drastically hit underprivileged widows and youths at the oil-bearing Akwa Ibom State, who, nowadays hang about the offices and residences of political office holders and roam the streets of Uyo, the state capital, begging for money to eat the proverbial one meal a day.

One of the disadvantaged citizens, Emem Udok, said, “There is no job, I do not have money to eat, so I have no option than to beg for survival. Even begging is not easy, those we are beg money on the streets do not have to give us. That is why we go to the homes and offices of top political office holders and other rich men.”

“In fact, they (politicians) are the ones stealing and mismanaging our money, it is their actions and inactions that caused the problem to the nation’s economy. If not, our country is so rich that nobody should have business with poverty in Nigeria.

We don’t want to die before FG starts paying N5, 000

Tony Bassey, who corroborated Udok’s claim, said, “Times are hard for us in Akwa Ibom, it is not a problem caused by the present governor, Udom Emmanuel, but we need him to address the plight of the poor. President Muhammadu Buhari said they will pay N5, 000 to the unemployed, I heard that they said until next year, that is too long, is it when we die to that they will start the payment.”

He advised: “I also want to say that devise the method to know us that are really poor and unemployed, not that politicians will hijack it again or they pay it to members of their political parties.” Bassey said: “Politicians have also devised ways of escaping from us, they asked their security guards to bare strangers at their offices and homes, even at public events, security operatives will not let you near them.”

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