Monday 2 November 2015

THE PRIDE OF THE BLACK RACE: and article written by Ebuka Cornelius .A.

...The War has come and gone but
we remember with pride and hope the three
heady years of freedom. These were the three
years when we had the opportuinity to
demonstrate what Nigeria would have been even
before 1970. In the three years of war, necessity
gave birth to invention. During those three, we
built bombs, we built rockets, we designed and
built our own delivery systems. We guided our
rockets, we guided them far and we guided
accurately. For three years blockaded without
hopes of imports, we maintained engines,
machines and technical equipments. The state
extracted and refined patrol, individual refined
patrol in their back gardens, we built and
maintained airports, we maintained them under
heavy bombardments.We spoke to the world
through a telecommunication system engineered
by local ingenuity. The world heard us and spoke
back to us. We built armoured cars and tanks. We
modified aircraft from trainer to fighters, from
passenger aircraft to bombers. In three years of
freedom, we had broken the technological barrier.
In three years, we became the most civilized, the
most technologically advanced black people on

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