Tuesday 8 September 2015


The First day of the unizik exams have come and gone, but lots of questions has being asked as to whether the school was really ready for the exams.
We bring you an update as to how the exams went, well lots of the period was rowdy as to the accreditation period was faulty to some extent.
We went all out to find out from aspirants as to how the exams went for them. Some students complained of the school not being time conscious,student who came by 7am where seen by 6pm looking for accommodation to spend the night.
The students complained as to the level of faultiness they encountered with the computer systems and also the networks.
Also note that some of the students didnt take the exams and theirs have being postponed till friday....The unending rain contributed in making the day worse......imageimageLets hope today will be more organized than yesterday...

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